Trained women with Samples & Certificates in 'Free Sewing Camp' at Kameshwari Priya Poor Home, Darbhanga by Dr. Prabhat Das Foundation Dated 11.12.2018.

डॉ प्रभात दास फाउंडेशन की ओर से 30 दिसम्बर 2018 को भाषण प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन नागेंद्र झा महिला महाविद्यालय में होगा ।जिसमें 6 से 10 वर्ग तक के बच्चे निःशुल्क भाग ले सकते है। आप अपना रेजिस्ट्रेशन 9955212470 पर करा सकते है। विषय "आधुनिक शिक्षा और समाज "

The speech competition will be organized by Dr. Prabhat Das Foundation on December 30, 2018 at Nagendra Jha Women's College, in which children between 6 to 10 classes can participate free of charge. You can register your registration at 9955212470. Subject "Modern Education and Society"

Dr. Prabhat Das Foundation is going to organise a Symposium on "The Effect of Global Warming" on Today at University Dept. of English, LNMU Darbhanga

Trained women with Samples & Certificates in 'Free Sewing Camp' at Ward 02, Sundarpur Veera (Dera) Darbhanga by Dr. Prabhat Das Foundation Dated 13.12.2018.

Dr. Prabhat Das Foundation is organised a Symposium on "The Effect of Global Warming" on 14.12.2018 at University Dept. of English, LNMU Darbhanga